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Podcast S2E20: Talking All Things Broadcasting and Lansing Baseball With Jesse Goldberg-Strassler

Nathaniel Stoltz

This week's episode is an Excessive Prospect Analysis Podcast first: a chat with someone else, namely Jesse Goldberg-Strassler, the tremendous lead broadcaster of the A's organization's High-A affiliate in Lansing. Jesse was so generous to take a full podcast's worth of time out to talk with me about a wide range of subjects delving into both on- and off-field aspects of minor league baseball.

We spend the first 1:10 or so of the conversation focusing on various aspects of broadcasting and the role folks in Jesse's position play in shaping our understanding of what goes on with the teams they work for. We get into Jesse's particular path to his current position and broadcasting acumen, his broadcast philosophy, all the things that go on behind the scenes in a broadcaster's day, the minor league broadcast audience, and plenty more. For the rest of the chat, we discuss various topics around the Lugnuts team: find out how several of the team's new players have looked, what trends Jesse's noticed in being around the team every day, his take on the biggest stories of the 2023 Lansing season, what you might expect from Lugnuts players in batting practice, and learn about some of the cool things some of the squad's players have done off the field as well.

Even as closely as I've followed the Lansing team this year (like all A's affiliates), and as familiar as I've become with Jesse's broadcasting style, I learned so much from him about so many different things in this conversation, and I'm sure you'll find plenty of insight from it as well.

To listen to the episode, go to this link or search for The Excessive Prospect Analysis Podcast wherever you get your podcasts.

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1 комментарий

David Green
David Green
24 авг. 2023 г.

I really enjoyed your conversation with Jess Goldberg-Strassler. Would you consider doing a similar interview with Alex Jensen? I enjoy his work when he fills in on A's broadcasts and would love to hear his perspective on Ports' players. I also really enjoyed your most recent Q&A episode. If you do another Q&A this season, please consider this question: Are there any prospects who have a good slash line that masks some red flags that should make us pause before getting excited about them as prospects? And the opposite: Are there any prospects who have poor slash lines, but the underlying metrics are more positive? Thank you.

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